Providing you the best solution on how to fix mushy rice is the primary goal of this article. And so, if you want to learn that trick, continue reading!
For billions of people all over the world, rice is considered as a staple food. For some, cooking rice could be so easy, but there are other cases wherein cooking rice is considered as a predicament.
It could be a bit tricky, in fact. Putting too much water leads to a soggy rice while minimizing water could lead to being undercooked. With this, you might find yourself asking how to fix mushy rice.
But fret no more as there could be different ways to consider for you to rescue this issue without putting your rice into waste. Let us learn more through the rest of this post.
Possible Scenarios When Cooking Rice

Rescue Imperfect Rice via
Once cooking rice, there could be various scenarios that might happen. But you shouldn’t panic as there are solutions to every possible scenario. Here are the following:
These are just among the possible things that might happen if we are into cooking rice. Though the process seems to be so easy, still bear in mind that it could also be a bit tricky. But, being able to know what to do next if these cases happen could help a lot. That’s why we are going to discuss how to fix mushy rice further.
How to Fix Mushy Rice: Different Tricks to Choose From
Remembering the cardinal rule when it comes to cooking rice is important to have a favorable result. And this rule refers to the right use of water to rice ratio. Bear in mind that if the water level is too low, expect a poorly cooked rice and too much water leads to overcooked.
Here’s a video to watch as a help on how to fix if the rice is undercooked:
If in case that the rice is mushy, the best thing to do is to pour it on the baking sheet then microwave it. This is the most common solution by the majority. And also take note that a soggy rice needs the idea of rice pudding.
There could be four amazing tricks once you are going to fix mushy rice. These are the following:
Draining Excess Water
For the most common way of fixing the problem, this trick is the best choice. It requires a little effort to none, and you only need a couple of potholders. The steps to follow are:
Putting the Mushy Rice in the Fridge
Yes, this is also a great trick to consider! You would need a parchment paper, a baking sheet, an oven, a spoon and a fridge. And here’s how you could do it:
Drying Rice in the Oven
Drying mushy rice in the oven is another helpful trick. Apart from oven, you also have to prepare a baking sheet, a parchment paper, and a spoon. And to do this trick, follow these:

Oven Baked Chicken and Rice via Recipe Tin Eats
Using a Salt
Saving a mushy rice could also be possible with the use of a table salt. Just have a handful of salt and a small sauce bowl for this trick. The process includes:
These are the tricks that you should try if you find yourself facing a mushy rice scenario. Indeed, you shouldn’t be worried whether how to fix mushy rice if you know these tricks.
Avoiding Watery Rice Tips

How to Fix Watery Rice via Cook The Stone
Of course, you don’t want a soggy rice to happen at all times as you cook rice, right? Good to know some pointers could help you avoid this scenario. Some of them are as follows:
If you don’t want the idea of having a mushy rice then always take these tips or pointers into consideration.
How to Properly Cook Rice?
Of course, I also want to share with you the simplest yet the most proper way of cooking rice. Here’s how:
Step 1. Rinse or perhaps soak the rice grains.
It is advised that you rinse the rice in a few changes of cold water because of certain reasons like it removes loose starch, so the rice becomes less sticky. But even if you don’t soak rice, still good results await you. However, bear in mind that you have to drain the rice thoroughly.
Step 2. Cooking the rice.
There could be different ways to cook your rice, but the absorption method is considered as the simplest one. Here, the rice is will be cooked in a measured quantity of water in order for the time that the rice is cooked, all the water has already been absorbed.
Once the water level drops, the trapped steam would finish the cooking. Take note that this method requires the use of correct water amount. And also, use a heavy-based pot having a tight-fitting lid which keeps the steam in.
Step 3. Allow the rice to rest.
The liquid must already be absorbed, and the rice is now ready after around 12 minutes. But if you are to save the rice immediately, it will have a drier and fluffier top layer compared to the bottom that is very fragile and moist.
And that’s why you need to allow the rice sit for at least five minutes letting the moisture redistribute resulting to a more uniform texture and fluffy top and bottom.
Watch this video to learn how to make a perfect rice on a stovetop:
Concluding Thoughts
See? You don’t have to panic or worry if you happened to get a mushy rice. Why? Simply because there are solutions that will help you salvage a mushy rice. The tricks discussed earlier are so easy to do and you will not be required to exert too much of your time and effort. So, the next time you experience soggy rice, don’t forget to turn into these tricks on how to fix mushy rice.
Here’s a video on how to fix a sticky rice:
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