How to Make Ice Cream: A Complete GuideIce cream is one of the best food inventions in the history of mankind; who doesn’t love a cup or cone of an ice cream, right?
With just one scoop of that soft, creamy, and delicious milky ice, your stress and frustrations can melt away. The good thing is that we can have ice cream without buying and spending money every time, we can make it on our own!
Let’s explore the history of ice cream, as well as its definitions and characteristics that set it apart from other frozen desserts. Most importantly, we will discuss a variety of ways and methods on how to make ice cream at home.

Overview of Ice Cream
Before we discuss on how to make ice cream, let’s first have context and history of ice cream so we can appreciate more our favorite frozen food.
What is Ice Cream?

Ice Cream
Ice cream also called back in the days as ‘Iced Cream’ or ‘Cream Ice,' is a frozen and sweetened food that is made of dairy products (cream and milk), and is combined with flavors of fruits or other ingredients and healthy foods.
Food coloring and flavorings are also added, the mixtures are mixed and are placed in a temperature below 0⁰C. Ice creams are served in dishes and are eaten by spoon, or it is placed in cones or ice cream in a bag that is to be licked.
Short History of Ice Cream

THE HISTORY OF ICE CREAM Via todayifoundout
When we eat it, we often think of who had invented the Ice Cream. The short answer, however, is that it is unknown or rather, the invention is not accredited to a single person.
However, its existence has been dated back as early as 5th century BC, as ancient civilizations spanning from Greece, Persia, China, Rome, and India have delicacies that are similar to its form. Their ice cream was mainly made by snow or ice that is mixed with honey, fruits, and other ingredients found in their area.
In the modern era, the first form of Ice Cream was first introduced to Europe by Marco Polo. By the start of 18th century, Ice cream is introduced to America and has been enjoyed by the higher society. By the middle of that century, the first Ice cream parlor was opened in New York.
In the 19th Century, the first ice cream plant was constructed, and the first Ice Cream Sundae has been invented. The invention of ice cream plantation has been one of the reasons for the expansion and widespread popularity of ice cream in public, as it is produced in large quantities that are more accessible to all people.
By the start of 20th Century, the ice cream cone was invented. The flavors that are available in this time were chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry; but in 1929, rocky road was invented was the first widely available flavor aside from the 3.
Today, there are a very wide variety of flavors of ice creams and is available in different ice cream brands. It is also one of the best-selling treats in America, second only to cookies!
What Does Ice Cream taste like?
An Ice Cream tastes like whatever flavor it has, and since there are probably hundreds of them, you’re sure won’t get enough of them. But whatever flavor you have, ice cream surely taste delicious and sweet, as it is made of dairy, sugar, fat, and other flavorings. The most famous flavor of ice cream is vanilla, followed by chocolate, butter pecan, strawberry, etc.
Types of Ice Cream
All ice creams are delicious; however, we also have some preference on the flavors and as well as the types of Ice Cream. There many types of ice cream and I will share some of our most favorites.
Hard Ice Cream

The Benefits Of Hard Ice Cream Via sweets.seriouseats
This type of ice cream is what often regarded as the traditional and regular; it is made of cream or milk, sugar, stabilizers, it may contain eggs, and also the ingredients of the main flavor like chocolate, vanilla, fruits and many others.
French Ice Cream

French Vanilla Ice Cream Via cdkitchen
The French Ice cream is derived from the traditional one. What separates it is it contains a custard base alongside the milk or cream.
Soft Ice Cream

Soft Ice Cream
Soft Ice Cream is similarly made of the same components as the traditional one. However, Soft Ice Creams are made from a higher temperature and is processed in a different machine resulting in a very smooth and soft ice cream. This type is often served in specialty ice cream shops or restaurants.
Frozen Dairy Dessert

Frozen Dairy Dessert Via knowledge.ulprospector
This type of ice cream is also called as ‘no sugar added ice cream.' This ice cream is similarly made from the others except that it uses natural sugar substitutes and they have a lower fat content than the regular ones.
Italian-style Gelato

Italian-style Gelato is a very dense type of an Ice cream. It is also made of more milk instead of cream, giving it a lower fat content. The flavor of Gelato is more magnified than normal ones.
Ice Cream compared to other Frozen Desserts

Ice Cream Vs Frozen Desserts
Frozen Desserts are the best treat when the temperature goes hot. Even though Ice creams are our favorite, we can’t deny that there are also frozen desserts that are available in the market. They are also delicious, but what separates them from our beloved ice cream?
Ice creams and other frozen desserts are both similarly made, and both contain fats, sugar, stabilizers, eggs, and other flavoring ingredients. However, Ice creams are made of cream or milk and other frozen desserts, on the other hand, are made of vegetable, coconut, or palm oil.
Another difference is that ice cream is healthier than the other Frozen Desserts. While they contain a similar amount of calories, other frozen desserts usually contain saturated and trans-fats that are bad for our diet and health.
Ice Cream Facts: A Few Things You Probably Didn't Know

Ice Cream
We now have basic history and concepts about ice creams, but I bet you still probably don’t know some of these fun facts about creams. Let me share them with you.
- New Zealand is the number one country regarding consuming ice cream (per capita, gallons per year), followed by the United States, Australia, Finland and lastly, Sweden.
- Chocolate syrup is the most popular ice cream topping
- The tallest ice cream ever recorded was 9ft high, it was made in Italy
- It takes 3 gallons of cow’s milk to make a gallon of ice cream
- It takes more or less 50 licks to finish a single scoop of ice cream
- The most popular flavor of ice cream in the US is vanilla
Ways to Cook Ice Cream
There are several ways to cook ice cream at home, but they are divided into two classifications. One is making an ice cream using an Ice cream maker, and the other is making it without the machine. Let’s explore both and learn how to cook ice cream with or without the machine.
How to Make Ice Cream with Ice Cream Maker

How to Make Homemade Ice Cream in an Ice Cream Machine Via thespruce
There are several options on how to make our ice cream, so let’s discuss first the ingredients needed in each of the methods.
Ingredients for Custard Ice Cream Base:
710 ml or 3 cups of whole milk
Pinch of salt
200g or 1 cup of sugar
8 egg yolks
5ml of Vanilla
Preparing a Custard Ice Cream Base
Step 1 - Simmering the Milk
Step 2 - Make Egg Mixture
Step 3 - Mix the Egg mixture and the milk together
Step 4 - Heat the mixture
Step 5 - Filter and Add Vanilla
Step 6 - Chill the mixture
Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker with Extra Freezer Bowl Via Williams Sonoma
Whipping Up a Philadelphia Style Ice Cream Base

Philadelphia-Style Ice Cream Recipe Via seriouseats
2 cups of heavy cream
¾ cup of sugar
1 cup of milk
5ml Vanilla extract
Step 1 - Mix ingredients to produce the Ice Cream Solution
Step 2 - Chill the solution
Mixing the Base with an Electric Ice Cream Maker

Mixing Ice Cream with electric Maker Via foodal
Whether you have prepared a custard or a Philadelphia Ice Cream Base, the next step is mixing it completely to have a full and soft finish.
Step 1 - Freeze the bowl overnight
Step 2 - Prepare the setup
Step 3 - Churn the mixture
Step 4 - Transfer the mixture and freeze it
Churning the Ice Cream by Hand

Step 1 - Freeze a freezer-safe container
Step 2 - Pour the base into the container and freeze it
Step 3 - Churning by Hand
Step 4 - Freeze and Serve
Using Other Methods to Churn the Ice Cream
After making our ice cream base, there are other methods of churning, and these are Stick Blender and Granita Method.
Stick Blender

Stick Blender Via thedailymeal
- Pour the ice cream base into a bowl and semi-freeze it in the freezer
- Take out the bowl and by using a stick blender, whisk the ingredients
- Do the first two steps several times until it reaches your desired consistency
- Put the final product into the freezer for 6 hours and your ice cream is ready
Granita Method
- Doesn’t achieve a creamy consistency, but this is easier.
- Pour your ice cream base into a bowl and freeze it in the freezer
- After it is frozen, take it out. By using a fork, crush the ice until it becomes scoop-able.
- Serve
Mixing up No Churn Ice Cream

No Churn Ice Cream with Berries Via iheartnaptime
If we opt for a no churning style of making ice cream, here are the ingredients.
400g of sweetened condensed milk
10 ml of vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
2 cups or 473ml of heavy cream
Step 1 - Chill a Pan
Step 2 - Combine your Ingredients
Step 3 - Whip the cream
Step 4 - Mix the cream and Condensed milk
Step 5 - Chill your Ice Cream
How to Make Ice Cream Without Ice Cream Maker
How to Make Ice Cream with a Bag
200g of heavy cream
30g of Sugar
2.5g of Vanilla Extract
1/3 cup of salt
Sandwich and Gallon sized Ziploc Plastic Bag
Ice (about half of the Ziploc Plastic Bag)
Step 1 - Mix the ingredients
Step 2 - Seal the bag tightly
Step 3 - Prepare the Ziploc Bags
Step 4 - Shake the Bag
Step 5 - Serve
How to Make Ice Cream in a Bag Via Free Beer Productions
How to make Custard Base Ice

How To Make A Custard Base For Ice Cream Via foodabovegold
This recipe, which contains egg yolks, will give you ice cream rich and creamy texture. From this ice cream base, we will proceed by using different churning methods like Freeze and stir, Electric Mixer & Ice Bath, Cold Pan, and a Food Processor. You can choose and select from this method and choose what’s more convenient and easy, or the one that yields the best results for you.
5-8 Egg Yolks
240ml Sugar
1ml or ¼ tsp salt
10ml or 2 tsp vanilla extract
240ml whole or evaporated milk
480ml heavy cream
Step 1 - Prepare the Egg yolks
Step 2 - Whisk the Ingredients
Step 3 - Set up an Ice Bath
Step 4 - Simmer the Evaporated Milk
Step 5 - Combine your mixtures
Step 6 - Heat the Mixture and then Chill it
Step 7 - Whisk the heavy cream
Step 8 - Fold the heavy cream into the custard base
Step 9 - Freeze in ice cube trays
How to Make Custard-Based Ice Cream Via The Smart Cookie Cook
Freeze and Stir Method
If you want your finish to look like more of an ice cream than cubes, the freeze and stir method is an alternative for you. Here’s how to do it.
- Pour all of the mixtures into a large bowl and bring it to the freezer after 30 minutes. Keep tab of the time because over freezing means your ice cream will develop water crystals that make your flavor uneven.
- Take the bowl after the time. By using a spatula, churn the mixture until it becomes creamy again. Put it back to the freezer for 30 minutes.
- Repeat the process of taking out the bowl every after half minutes for 5 to 6 times
- After doing it for 5 to 6 times, freeze it for good, for about 5 hours. Then your ice cream is ready to go
Electric Mixer and Ice Bath Method
- Prepare two bowls; one should be considerably bigger than the other one.
- Put ice and small amounts of water into the larger one
- Pour your ice cream base into the smaller bowl
- Put your smaller bowl into the larger one, making an Ice Bath
- Use an Electric Mixer to whisk your ice cream base while it is in the ice bath
- Whisk until the ice cream base achieves the consistency you desire
- Put the bowl into the freezer for 6 hours and your ice cream is good to go
Cold Pan Method
- Put two stainless steel pan into the freezer.
- Put your ice cream base into another bowl and chill it in the refrigerator
- After the pan has been frozen and the ice cream base has been chilled, pour the ice cream base into the frozen pan and return it to the freezer
- Wait for 15 to 20 minutes and get the pan. Notice that the cream on the sides has been frozen, scrape it off, stir all of the mixtures, and then return it to the freezer
- Repeat the above procedure for several times, until the mixture has achieved an ice cream texture. Serve while cold
Food Processor Method
- Pour your ice cream base into a Ziploc Plastic Bag
- Squeeze all the air out and then seal it tightly
- Put it in the freezer until it becomes ice
- Take it out and crumble it using solid object
- Pour the contents into the food processor and blend it
- Blend until it becomes semi-liquid, becoming like a gelato
- Pour it into the bowl and put it in the freezer for 6 hours and you are done
Pate a Bombe

Pate a Bombe Via thedailymeal
Pate a Bombe method also doesn't require you a machine to make an ice cream. It is very simple to make and doesn’t require churning.
6 Egg Yolks
1 cup or 240ml of granulated sugar
480ml Heavy Cream
Step 1 - Whisk the Egg yolks
Step 2 - Heat the sugar
Step 3 - Pour the heated sugar
Step 4 - Whisk the heavy Cream
Step 5 - Fold the mixture into the Cream
Step 6 - Store and Freeze
Tips and Tricks
At the start of your ice cream homemaking career, you won’t get it all right, and you might need tweaks on your approach and improvement on your skill. But don’t worry, because I will provide tips that will help you along the way and tricks that will improve your ice cream making repertoire.
How to make Ice Cream Sandwich

How To Make Ice Cream Sandwiches At Home Via thekitchn
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- 1 egg
- One tsp salt
- ½ cup all-purpose flour
- One stick or ½ cup of unsalted butter
- ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2 pints of your homemade ice cream
Step 1 Prepare baking pan | Preheat your oven to 350⁰. Take out 15 by 10inch jelly-roll pan and butter it. Line it with parchment paper, and let it overhang on the two shorter sides. |
Step 2 Whisk the ingredients | Prepare a medium bowl and pour the butter and sugar first and whisk until incorporated. Add the egg, salt, and vanilla and whisk again until combined. Lastly, pour the cocoa and flour and whisk until the mixture is smooth. |
Step 3 Bake | Prepare a baking pan and spread evenly the mixture there. Bake it for about 10 to 12 minutes, until the sides are slightly standing up, and the cake is dry. Set aside and cool in a pan. |
Step 4 Cut it in half | After it has cooled, lift the cake into a table or work surface. Get a thin knife and cut the cake crosswise. Prepare a large piece of plastic wrap and place one sliced side of cake, flat side down. |
Step 5 Spread and Freeze | Get your homemade ice cream and spread a considerable amount on top of it, and then cover it with the remaining slice of cake. Wrap the ice cream cake into the plastic and freeze it for about 2 hours. |
Step 6 Slice and Serve | Pullout your big sandwich and unwrap the plastic. Slice it with a serrated knife, cut it into desired size, it is preferable to slice it in 8 pieces. Serve the ice cream sandwich immediately. |
Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwich Via Byron Talbott
How to Make Ice Cream Cake
- ½ gallon of your homemade chocolate ice cream
- ½ gallon of your homemade vanilla ice cream
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 cup whipping cream
- 1 box Oreos or chocolate wafers
- 1 bottle chocolate magic shell
- 1 tablespoon of Gelatin
- 3 tablespoon sugar
- Decorations (sprinkles, nips)
How to Make Ice Cream Cake Via LearnToCook
Step 1 Make your first layer | Spoon out your ice cream and put it in a bowl. Stir your ice cream until it becomes smooth and semi-solid, don’t overdo it and prevent it on becoming a liquid. Take out a springform pan and spread the ice cream on top of it. Clean off the sides, cover it, and put the pan into the freezer for about 2 hours. |
Step 2 Make a chocolate mixture | Take out your Oreos and take out the filling by using a frosted spatula or any flat object. Place all the Oreo cookies in a Ziploc Bag and crush it using a rolling pin or any heavy object. Make sure that your finish product would not have large chunks or being too fine. Pour the crumbs into a bowl, and pour the Magic Shell Chocolate. Stir it until the crumbles are well dispersed. |
Step 3 Build the Top Layer | Take out chocolate ice cream cake base from the freezer and place it in the work station. Gently and evenly spoon the chocolate mixture in the ice cream cake base. Take your vanilla ice cream and smooth it out like in the first method. Spread the now smoothed vanilla ice cream as the top layer of your cake. Smooth out the uppermost and the sides of your cakes, so they would be flat. Place the cake in the freezer for about 2 hours. |
Step 4 Make your Frosting | Sprinkle your Gelatin into a cold water and let it be absorbed after a minute. Microwave it at high heat for half a minute. Take out a bowl and pour the whipping cream, whisk it until it forms peaks. Slowly sprinkle the sugar and whisk it until it is mixed. Put in the Gelatin and vanilla, whisk them together until they are all incorporated. Put this into the freezer for about 2 hours and it is ready for frosting. |
Step 5 Frost | Take out your unfrosted cake from the freezer, place it on a parchment paper. Using your whipped cream frosting, frost the cake and don’t worry if it is not all even. Place your now frosted cake back into the freezer, for another 2 hours |
Step 6 Decorations | Depending on your choice, you can now decorate your ice cream cake. Examples of decorations are sprinkles and Nips, spreading them across the cake to make it sweeter and delicious. Put it back in the freezer for an hour, so that the decoration settles into the cake. |
Step 7 | Slice and serve immediately while cold |
Watch the video on how to make it, here.
How to Make Ice Cream Softer

Tips For Making Homemade Ice Cream Softer Via davidlebovitz
Through Alcohol
- Alcohol doesn’t freeze so your ice cream won’t become harder
- You can use Vodka because it doesn’t mix in with the flavor of the ice cream
- Use three tablespoons of vodka for 1 liter of ice cream base before churning
- If your ice cream base is a fruit flavor, you can use liquors like ‘kirsch’ because it enhances the fruity flavor
Through Sugar
- Sugar also doesn’t freeze, so it can be an agent to make your ice cream smoother
- You can replace sugar with other liquid sweeteners like light corn syrup or honey
- For every cup of sugar, you can substitute with ¾ cup of liquid sweetener
Through Gelatin
- Soften Gelatin to cold water. Melt it through hot water
- One tsp of powdered gelatin is enough for a liter of ice cream base
- Place it before churning
Through Fat
- Fat also don’t freeze, increasing fat content makes the ice cream softer
- Substitute your cream with milk or combine them
- For custard base ice cream, increase the number of egg yolks, 5 to 6 pieces are recommended for a liter of the ice cream base
How to Make Best Custard for Ice Cream
- If you want a thicker Custard, substitute sugar with liquid syrup, use gelatin, or by adding fat by replacing cream with milk.
- An evenly cooked Custard will yield the best results for your ice cream
- As you stir your Custard in the saucepan, make sure that you always include the bottoms so that there won’t be any overcooked part
- You can also strain your custard, to ensure that there aren't any particles like cooked egg, this ensures your Custard to be smooth all over
- Chill the custard as cold as possible before processing it in the ice cream maker
Vanilla Custard Ice Cream Recipe Via LeGourmetTV
How to Perfect Homemade Ice Cream

How To Make Classic Ice Cream at Home Via thekitchn
- Make sure that the bowls you are using are frozen. To do this wrap it in a plastic bag place it in the freezer 24hrs before cooking
- Don’t overfill and use only 3/4s of the capacity of your ice cream maker
- Be careful on pouring the 3 to 4 tbsps. of hot cream into your egg yolks because it may cook the yolk. Go very slowly and deliberately.
- Be careful on using too much alcohol than necessary; it may interfere with the flavor or worse, prevents the ice cream to freeze at all.
- Only add the mix-ins in the last churning to distribute them evenly
- Use flat containers to store and freeze your ice cream. The flat surface exposes a large portion of the surface of your ice cream, distributing the base evenly
- Use the best ingredients – use organic cream and milk, fresh eggs. Buy high-quality products for your flavorings, for example, it is better to use vanilla beans than powdered vanilla flavor
How to Get Rid of Ice Crystals in Ice Cream
- Properly store your ice cream in an air-tight container and wrap it with a plastic wrap.
- The container must be shallow but wide, exposing more surface of the ice cream for freezing makes the consistency better
- Put a piece of plastic on top of the ice cream, before the lid
- Add 3 tbsps. Of liquor for 1 liter of ice cream base, kirsch for fruit flavored ice cream or vodka for an alcohol flavor-free finish.
- Replace sugar with liquid sweeteners like soft corn syrup or honey, ¾ tbsps. For 1 tbsps. of sugar
- Add gelatin, 1tbsps. For 1 liter of ice cream base
- Substitute cream for milk, increase the fat content of your ice cream
How to Keep Ice Cream Fresh Longer

Ice cream
When you store your ice cream in an ordinary container in the freezer, chances are that the oxygen will react with the very cold temperature. This dehydrates the surface of your ice cream, making ice crystals, ruining the consistency and makes the flavor uneven all throughout. This is called freezer burn, and here’s how to prevent it.
- Place plastic on top of the ice cream before closing the lid. This adds an extra protective layer for your ice cream against outside oxygen and air.
- Place your ice cream deep into the freezer, where it is consistently cold. Placing your ice cream near the door would expose it to fluctuating temperature, which can form ice crystals inside
Flavors: Choose Best and Know When to Add
- The thing with homemade ice cream is you can add the flavors you want, so give in to your craving at making it an ice cream
- The top 3 most famous ice cream flavor in America is Vanilla, Chocolate, and Strawberry
- Extracts of those flavors are readily available in some malls or supermarket
- Add your flavorings or extracts in the custard when it has completely cooled. Adding it while the custard is warm can deteriorate its flavor.
- Also, add it before churning
What are the Best Ice Cream Toppings

Ice Cream
According to the site ‘The Top Tens,' where people can vote online the best options, the best ice cream toppings
- Caramel
- Hot Fudge
- Oreo
- Whipped Cream
- Sprinkles
- Chocolate Syrup
- Peanut Butter Cups
- Cookie Dough
- M&Ms
- Strawberry
Common Mistakes When Cooking With Ice Cream

Strawberry ice cream
As you begin your career at making homemade ice cream, it is inevitable that you encounter mistakes and your ice cream wouldn’t be as good as you want it to be. You must be aware what are the most common mistakes so you can avoid them as much as possible. To help you, here is the list of the most common mistakes when cooking with ice cream.
Mistake no 1 – Not using enough fat
Fat is not healthy, and you might have the tendency to stave off your dairy content to reduce fat. That is a mistake, because of ice cream, like other frozen desserts, are reliant to fats to have that creamy and delicious texture.
Mistake no 2 – Ice Cream Maker Bowl is not cold enough
A common mistake people do is not freezing their ice cream maker bowl. For the machine to work properly, it has to be frozen completely; otherwise, you will end up with a messy soup of mixture. Freeze your ice cream maker bowl for 24 hours before your work, and not just a few hours before.
Mistake no 3 – Overfilling the Machine
Overfilling the machine is a mistake, aside from spilling, the machine can’t create the consistency you hoped for because of the overloaded content. It is advisable that you only fill 3/4s of the capacity of the ice cream maker.
Mistake no 4 – Over-churning
Another mistake people make over-churning relying on the machine to freeze the ice cream. This will only result to crystallization of ice, no matter how much you churn the ice cream. The best thing to do is to take out your ice cream after the prescribed churning even if it is not frozen. Place the ice cream in the freezer where it will properly be frozen.
Mistake no 5 – Improper addition of mix-ins
Mix-ins are great for your ice cream if you do it properly, otherwise, it can cause a disaster. Make sure that your mix-ins are small enough for eating but not big enough for chewing, otherwise, your will damage your teeth sinking it to a big and very hard piece of strawberry or peanut.
Also, avoid putting them into the ice cream early on the churning process, they have to be added after or before the last churning, to distribute them properly and evenly.
Mistake no 6 – Overdoing your whip Cream
If you make the mistake of overdoing your whip cream, your ice cream will have fat globules, flecks, or balls of milk fat. The solution to this mistake is to emulsify your mix, whip your cream while it is still warm.
Mistake no 7 – Not using stabilizers
Not using stabilizers is technically not a mistake, but using one is an advantage. You may create a delicious and creamy ice cream, but in a few days, you noticed that it isn’t holding up and it looks like a huge mass of glob. Stabilizers can cure this issue, holding up your ice cream for longer periods.
Experts' Advices
It is wise to listen to the experts, the learned ones because cooking or making ice cream is their life and living. Here are some of their insight and tips on making different styles of ice creams.

How To Make Ice Cream Without a Machine Via davidlebovitz
“I’m not a fan of using gelatin in ice cream. You can make Philadelphia-style ice cream without heating the mixture if you use superfine sugar (or whiz it in a food processor) so it dissolves without heating.”
-David Lebovitz, How to make Ice Cream without Machine

Banana-Caramel Ice Cream Via marthastewart
"The secret to the intense banana flavor of this banana caramel ice cream is starting with very overripe fruit.”
- Martha Stewart, Banana Caramel Ice Cream

Five Minute Ice Cream Via allrecipes
"A fast way to make delicious ice cream without compromising quality. Use any frozen fruit in place of the strawberries. This is a quick recipe to WOW company who drop by."
- Pamela Euless-Barker, Five Minute Ice Cream

Easy Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Via kitchme
"This is a GREAT mint chocolate chip ice cream that I discovered by accident. The2% milk makes the ice cream taste 'lighter' I think."
- Darryn Briggs, Easy Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

“Before you begin making the custard fill the sink half full with cold water. If you think the custard looks like splitting at any stage, plunge the pan into the cold water and whisk like mad.”
- Nigella, Strawberry Ice Cream
Best Recipes with Ice Cream
Classic Ice Cream Sandwich

Classic ice cream sandwiches Via smittenkitchen
This Classic Ice Cream Sandwich combines our favorite treats, cookies as sandwich and ice cream as the filling. The recipe will yield you 12 delicious and sweet sandwiches and it is relatively easy to make.
Deb Perlman, the cook and author of the website, used cookies and cream flavor for the ice cream, and chocolate flavored cookies for the sandwich; but she says you can use any flavor you want for the ice, as long as you follow the required quantity.
The recipe gives step by step instructions with mouth-watering pictures, it has garnered a lot of positive praise and reviews.
Brownie Ice Cream Torte

Brownie Ice Cream Torte Via bettycrocker
Making the Brownie Ice Cream Torte will give you a sweet and indulgent 16 snack-size treats ready and waiting for you in the refrigerator.
The crust is made up of thick brownie crust and topped with vanilla ice cream that contains candy sprinkle and cherry add-ons; the cook, however, suggests that you can also use any flavor of ice cream you want. The recipe has garnered 4.5 stars in the website and many positive reviews.
Ice Cream Cake

ICE CREAM CAKE Via nigella
This Ice Cream Cake looks very delicious and mouth-watering as any ice cream cake you can see. As the author and cook, Nigella, prompts her audience not to be intimidated because as exquisite may the Ice Cream Cake look, it isn’t that hard to make it.
The recipe uses Vanilla Ice Cream and is mixed with other ingredients such as crunchie bars, peanut butter morsels, bourbon biscuits, butterscotch sauce, among others; giving you a very rich and delicious vanilla and caramel-like flavor with a lot of texture coming from the biscuits and peanuts.
Mint Chocolate Harbor Bars

Mint Chocolate Harbor Bars Via food52
The Mint Chocolate Harbor Bar is a kind of ice cream sandwich that is further dipped into a coating. This particular recipe gives you a chocolaty flavor from its bittersweet chocolate ingredient and the chewy cookies, it is also complimented by the taste of mint ice cream.
As if this is not enough, the sandwich is dipped into the chocolate coating to give you a fuller flavor and cleaner finish. You can also substitute the mint flavored ice cream with any other flavors as you like or have. This recipe earned a lot of good reviews and is deemed as a community picked recipe!
Cookies-and-Cream Ice Cream Pie

Cookies and cream ice-cream pie Via taste
Everybody likes Pies, but they will love it when they discover this recipe. This Pie recipe is filled with cookies-and-cream goodness, which gives you an amazing mix of tasty cream, chocolate, and a hint of mint.
This recipe is very easy to make, it only requires combining and freezing and will yield you 6 servings. The website doesn’t offer images of the steps or the finished product, but the audience of this site (Epicurious) loves the recipe very much and shares their very good experiences when they have served it with their guests.
Nutrition Facts of Ice Cream
The general idea about ice cream is that they contain a lot of fat and sugar. Taking those 2 in large amounts can be bad for our health. But does ice cream, one of our favorite frozen dessert, are also bad for our health? Let’s find out.
Ice Cream Nutrition Profile
For 1 serving of ice cream, 66g contains:
- 16.4g of Carbohydrate
- 6.4g of Fats
- 2.2g of Protein
- 63.2mg of Calcium
- 44.1mg of Sodium
It has a Caloric Ratio of

Ice creams, vanilla Nutrition Facts & Calories Via nutritiondata
Ice Cream Health Benefits

Ice Cream
- Vitamin Source – Ice cream is packed with vitamins like Vitamin C, E, K, B6, B12. These vitamins nourish all of the parts of our body and help its functions.
- Mineral Source – Ice cream also contains minerals like Calcium and Phosphorus. These minerals help make and strengthen our bones and teeth. It also assists the function of our kidneys and cardiovascular health.
- Energy Source – Eating ice cream gives a lot of energy because it contains rich amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which are all essential in energy making
- Mood Enhancer – Ice cream has a compound that helps produce and the release of Serotonin and Dopamine. They are hormones that aid in our sleep, learning, mood, energy, and happiness.
- Aids Fertility – There has been a recent study in Harvard University that consuming full-fat dairy can increase your chances to have a baby, and ice cream is mostly made of these dairy products.
Health Concerns
Ice cream has its benefits, but it also has disadvantages. Like all things, if you take it excessively, it can be bad for your health. Here are the health concerns you will have if you take ice cream in excess amounts.
- The fat content can raise the level of our cholesterol, which can cause plaque in our circulatory system
- It can increase our blood pressure
- It can raise the level of our sugar, which can cause abnormalities in our hormones, diabetes, and obesity
- Can cause poor appetite, constipation, frequent urination, flatulence, and bloating

Ice Cream
Can I add a teaspoon of cocoa powder in the milk to make chocolate ice cream?
Yes, you can add cocoa powder in your ice cream, but the amount would depend on the overall amount of the ice cream you are making. Cocoa powder adds dimension to the chocolate flavor and doesn’t mess up the flavor.
What if I don't have a bigger bag to put the ice and salt in?
You have to use a bigger bad because aside from the ice and salt, you have to put in the bag of your mixture. An alternative to a plastic bag is an ice bath using a large bowl where you can put the ice, salt, and the bag of the mixture.
I followed the cream-based recipe, but it ended up as a slushy milkshake. How can I stop this happening?
You have to completely freeze your ice cream maker bowl to prevent this from happening. You have to put it in the freezer one day before you begin making your ice cream. You also have to chill your ice cream mixture before putting it in the machine, so that it will be easier to be frozen.
How bad is it to eat ice cream at night?
It makes no difference on what time of the day you will eat your ice cream. If you eat late at night, just remember to eat in moderation so you wouldn’t feel bloated in the morning.
What is the best healthy alternative to ice cream?
There are several healthy alternatives to ice cream like a Peach Yogurt, Watermelon Sorbets, or ice creams that are made of natural and real fruits. You can get the ingredients.
Resources and Further Reading
- The History of Ice Cream
- Types of Ice Cream
- The Straight Scoop on Ice Cream
- 9 Ways to Cook Ice Cream Without Machine
- Ice Cream Cake
- Tips for Making Homemade Ice Cream Softer
- How to Keep Ice Cream Fresh Longer
- Common Ice Cream Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them
- How to make Ice Cream without Machine
- Banana Caramel Ice Cream
- Five Minute Ice Cream
- Strawberry Ice Cream
- Ice Creams, Vanilla Nutrition Facts & Calories
- Classic Ice Cream Sandwich
- Brownie Ice Cream Torte
- Mint Chocolate Harbor Bars
- Ice Cream Cake
- Cookies-and-Cream Ice Cream Pie
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