It has become a thing now that when you go to certain Japanese restaurants they don't just make you wait for your food, but instead, they actually cook it right in front of you.
Just keep reading to know more about these restaurants and which ones are the best.


All About Teppanyaki Via ron-of-japan
Teppanyaki or what the non-Japanese folks tend to call it as the “places where they cook the food in front of you”. Teppanyaki actually translates as a Japanese cuisine that uses an iron griddle to cook food like steaks, shrimps and yakisoba (fried noodles)
But nowadays, teppanyaki grills are typically propane-heated flat surface grills and is most commonly used in restaurants to cook food in front of guests.
It is also often confused with hibachi which is barbecue grill that has charcoal with open grate design but sometimes they tend to combine the two which makes it even better especially in restaurants.

What is Teppanyaki? Via lasvegas-sushi
It started with the Japanese restaurant chain Misono, they are the ones who introduced the teppanyaki-style steakhouse cooking in the western culture in 1945. They found out the this type of cooking is more popular with foreigners than with Japanese people.
The typical ingredients used for western teppanyaki are scallops, lobster, chicken, beef and shrimp. Wherein the Japanese-style teppanyaki uses noodles, cabbage, sliced meat, and seafood. Although beef is the most commonly used meat on teppanyaki meals.
For non-Japanese people, it is very confusing to know what are types of Japanese cuisines and what are their differences, here are some of them for you to have a little knowledge about which are the ones you would like to try

Easy Chicken Ramen Via chowhound
When you go to any Japanese restaurants, whether it is authentic or not, they will have this certain type noodles, which is made of wheat and served with meat and fish broth.

Yakitori Via asiadaytours
This is basically just grilled chicken on a skewer and is a common drinking companion. The yakitori is served with different herbs and spices.

TONKATSU Via norecipes
Another common Japanese dish is the Tonkatsu, it is a breaded fried pork chops with a Japanese version of a Worcestershire sauce.

Haru Sushi Via harusushi
Do you ever wonder what does sushi taste like? This is probably the most popular dish in the Japanese cuisine. This is available in almost every Japanese restaurant around the world although western countries have their own versions

Shabu-Shabu Via gurunavi
Now this is not a type of dish rather it is another way of cooking just like the Teppanyaki. This is considered to be a hot pot restaurant where you basically have a hot pot on the table and you cook seafoods and vegetables on it.

Okonomiyaki Via closetcooking
Another type of cooking is the okonomiyaki which is basically a pancake, the only difference is, you put basically everything that you want in the batter.
In an okonomiyaki restaurant, you can choose from several ingredients and they will cook it like a pancake. Whether it is seafood, vegetables, meat etc. Okonomiyaki literally means “whatever you like grilled”
Name | Type |
BENIHANA | Hibachi/ Teppanyaki |
GINZA SUMIKAWA | Teppanyaki |
DON'S BOGAM BBQ AND WINE BAR | Hibachi/ Teppanyaki |
NEW YORK SUSHI KO | Omakase/ Hibachi |

Steak and Lobster Via benihana
One of the most popular hibachi restaurants in the U.S. is the Benihana. It is actually one of the first restaurants to actually serve Japanese cuisine in the states. If you haven't tried eating at this certain Japanese restaurant, then this is the perfect place to try it.
They don't serve “fancy” Japanese cuisine which is totally fine because people technically go there to be entertained while they wait for their food to be cooked and served right in front of them.

BENIHANA Via benihana
It is very fun and extremely entertaining because you wouldn't just satisfy your stomach, but also your mind by being amazed with those amazing TEPPANYAKI chefs.
This chef show is crazy one that you must watch:

Teppanyaki Ginza Sumikawa Via hk.dining.asiatatler
You must definitely try the first one above if you want to try the Japanese cuisine while getting entertained. But if you want to have fun and at the same time eating one of the finest authentic Japanese Kobe beef, then you should check out Teppanyaki Ginza Sumikawa.
If you are not a fan of seafoods and vegetables, you will totally like this place because they offer the finest Kobe beef in the city, some other restaurants try to fake it but they just couldn't achieve the goodness of this kind of beef.
Kobe beef is basically a meat from a cattle raised in Japan. It is a kind of meat that is incredibly tender, very flavorful and little bit fatty. It is a very versatile kind of beef because it can be served as a steak, for Shabu-shabu and of course of teppanyaki.
Many restaurants in the United States and Great Britain, have tried to replicate the Kobe beef and tried it with Angus cattle, but it simply just not as good.
From Ginza to the World ~To Introduce the Real Taste of Japanese Cuisine Via 株式会社LEOC

Sakura Teppanyaki and Sushi Via sakura-teppanyaki
What makes this other one stand out is that, it is not just a teppanyaki restaurant, they also serve sushi and other famous Japanese dishes like tempura and teriyaki.
They also have Thai dishes like different kinds of curry and the famous fried rice and stir fried noodles like Pad Thai and Pad See.
You can also try their unique alcoholic beverages that can make your dining experience legit
Sakura Teppanyaki & Sushi Restaurant Via Cameron Liu
If you have already tried the Japanese hibachi and would love to try a different one, or if you simply just don't like Japanese food, you should check out the Don’s Bogam BBQ and Wine Bar.
They are a Korean hibachi restaurant that serves their own Korean style beef. However, if you are looking for the entertainment you get from typical teppanyaki restaurant, this might not be for you.
It is rather, stylish and fancy like a fine dining restaurant with a high-end theme, this is perfect for dates and intimate meetings.
Awesome Korean BBQ You Should Check Out at Don's Bogam Via Off the Great Wall

NEW YORK SUSHI KO Via newyorksushiko
The New York Sushi Ko is also an Omakase restaurant where you have to let your chef choose what you are going to eat. It is very exciting if you are a dare devil and love to try new food.
One of the greatest things about their restaurant is they only serve the finest and the fresh vegetables and seafood.
The Sushi Chef: John Daley Via Munchies

Teppanyaki Japanese Restaurant Leeds Via teppanyakileeds
- If you want to simply get entertained and be amazed by the chefs then you should go to a teppanyaki
- If you want to try the teppanyaki style but doesn't want to eat Japanese food then go to a Korean teppanyaki
- Make sure to think bout the ambiance of where you would like to eat, if you are on a date then try the ones that are more intimate and fancy but of course it is more pricey unlike the regular teppanyaki restaurants.
Teppanyaki show from professional chef Via Hit Tv Plus
For first-timers who would love the try out teppanyaki restaurants, I suggest going to the likes of Benihana, simply because it is fun to watch the chefs doing all the tricks while cooking the food right in front of you and also they are less expensive than the others.

Chef Cooking Via benihana
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